
1977-1985 - BS, MS and Licensed Civil Engineer (combined), Rhenish
Westphalian Technical University, Aachen, Germany, Civil Engineering
1985-1993 - Ph.D. (Dr.-Ing.), Technical
University of
Hamburg-Harburg, Germany, Civil Engineering
Positions Held:
1995-Present - Associate Professor and Extension Specialist in Solid
Waste Management, Department of Environmental Sciences,
the State
University of New Jersey (Assistant Professor until 2001)
1991-1995 - Supervising Engineer,
Institute of
Waste Management, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
1986-1991 - Research Scientist,
Institute of
Waste Management, Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany.
Selected Publications:
Romano, P.V., U. Krogmann, and P.F. Strom. 2006 Reduction of Fecal Streptococci
and Strongyle Eggs during Small – Scale Compositing of Horse Manure Mixed with Wood Shavings.
Comp. Sci. Util., Volume 14, No. 2, 132-141.
Hull, R.M., Krogmann, U. and P.F. Strom. 2005. Composition and characteristics
of Excavated Materials from a New Jersey Landfill. J. Env. Eng. (ASCE), Volume 131, No. 3, 478-490.
Krogmann, U. and V. Gibson. 2003. Integrating Development of
Extension Materials and Formative Informal Evaluation: Land
Application of Sewage Sludge as a Case Example. Journal of
Extension. Volume 41, No. 1.
Krogmann, U. and H.-N. Chiang. 2002. Selected Nutrients and
Heavy Metals in Sewage Sludge from
New Jersey
POTWs. JAWRA, Volume 38, No. 3, 681-692.
Krogmann, U., J.R. Heckman, and L.S. Boyles. 2001. Nitrogen
Mineralization of Grass Clippings-A Case Study in Fall Cabbage
Production. Comp.Sci.Util. Volume 9, No. 3, 115-125.
Krogmann, U., V. Gibson, and C. Chess.
2001. Land
Application of Sewage Sludge: Perceptions of
New Jersey
Vegetable Farmers. Waste Manage. Res. Volume 19, No. 2, 115-12
Rogers, B.F., U. Krogmann, and L.S. Boyles. 2001. Nitrogen
Mineralization of Non-Traditional Organic Wastes. Soil Sci. Volume
166, No. 5, 353-363.
Krogmann, U. and H. Woyczechowski. 2000. Selected
Characteristics of Leachate, Condensate and Runoff Released during
Composting of Biogenic Waste. Waste Manage. Res. Volume 18, No. 3,
Krogmann, U. and I. Körner. 2000. Technology and Strategy of
Composting. In: Rehm, H.-J., A. Pühler, P. Stadler (series eds.).
Environmental Processes - Wastewater and Waste Treatment. Volume11a
of the series: Biotechnology, Weinheim, Wiley-VCH, 127-150.
Goldfarb, W., U. Krogmann, and C.
Hopkins. 1999.
Unsafe Sewage Sludge or Beneficial Biosolids?: Liability, Planning,
and Management Issues regarding the Land Application of Sewage
Treatment Residuals. B. C. Env. Aff. L. Rev. Volume 26, No. 4,
Krogmann, U. 1999. Effects of Season and Population Density on
Source-Separated Waste Composts. Waste Manage. Res. Volume 17, No.
2, 109-123.
Krogmann, U. 1994. Neueste Erkenntnisse über die Grundlagen der
Kompostierung (Latest research on the fundamental science of
composting). EntsorgungsPraxis. Volume 12, No. 4, 13-21.
Krogmann, U. 1994. Kompostierung - Grundlagen zur Einsammlung und
Kompostierung von Bioabfällen unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung
(Analysis of biowastes generated by separate collection and of
composting various mixtures of biowaste fractions). Hamburger
Berichte zur Abfallwirtschaft. Volume 7, Economica Verlag,
Bonn/Germany, 437.
Krogmann, U. 1988. Kompostierung als Abfallentsorgungsverfahren
von Biomüll (Composting as a disposal system for biowaste). Wasser
und Boden. Volume 40, No. 9, 492-496.
Uta Krogmann, Ph.D.
Department of Environmental Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
14 College Farm Road
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8525
732-932-9060 (T)
732-932-8644 (F)