Revised: 05/22/2008 |
AEWG Update from the New Jersey Department of
Agriculture TRENTON, NJ (September 15, 2005) - Animal care professionals interested in deploying to the Gulf region have been identified. These individuals include, but are not limited to, veterinarians, veterinary technicians, animal shelter employees, SPCA workers and animal control officers. The CART Directors have been asked to continue contacting veterinarians, veterinary technicians, animal control officers and others in their counties who would be willing to assist from now through November 1, 2005 should an EMAC request be received.
Veterinary hospitals throughout New Jersey continue to be contacted to determine if they could temporarily house cats and/or dogs displaced by the storm. Information collected includes but is not limited to: · name of the facility · name of contact person/contact number · # of spaces available for large (over 40 pounds) dogs · # of spaces available for small (under 40 pounds) dogs · # of spaces available for cats · Any time limitations for available space.
The AEWG is also gathering the names of veterinarians throughout New Jersey willing to provide pro bono: · basic animal medical care to the animals of families, evacuated from the Gulf Region with limited funds, who are now residing in NJ, · assistance at licensed animal shelters which have accepted animals evacuated from the Gulf Region, where the facility’s veterinarian might be overwhelmed and need assistance with these additional animals
The current capacity to shelter dogs and cats in existing licensed facilities in New Jersey has been compiled and distributed to the State Office of Emergency Management and other national resource lists for dissemination to the affected areas. In addition, HSUS has been advised of this capacity.
Animals entering the state’s sheltering facilities from the affected area are being identified and tracked for potential future re-unification.
The NJ Dept of Human Services (NJESF#6) was provided information to distribute to County Welfare Departments, American Red Cross and other agencies involved in providing assistance to the evacuees, regarding reunification with their animals and/or the identification of veterinary facilities where they could receive care for their animals. |