Revised: 05/22/2008 |
Contact: Donna L. Foulk
Dr. Laurel Gershwin, immunologist with the University of California - Davis, will discuss her research on allergies in horses. Dr. Robert Holland of Pfizer, Inc., who serves as the acting veterinarian at the Kentucky Horse Park, will discuss equine vaccination programs and new technologies in vaccine development. Prominent New Jersey veterinarian Dr. Dan Keenan will present information on Lyme disease and lameness identification in horses. Parasites continue to be a major threat to equine health. Fortunately, a great deal of research is emerging on parasite life cycles and resistance to products. Dr. Michael Sukhdeo, Rutgers University parasitologist, will present his exciting research on environmental conditions that must be present in order for parasites to reach infectious stages in pastures. Dr. Eileen Katz of Pfizer, Inc. will discuss tapeworm-related colic and provide research results on parasite resistance to deworming products. Additional speakers during the two-day event include: Dr. Jim Kenny, who will discuss the use of manual therapy and acupuncture in horses; Dr. Kathleen Crandell, who will provide information on the use of joint supplements and other nutraceuticals; Dr. Carey Williams, Rutgers University, who will speak on physiological stress in the athletic horse; and Dr. Sarah Ralston, prominent Rutgers University equine nutritionist, who will present her research findings on glucose and insulin metabolism. A trade show will be offered as an added feature of the short course. During the first day of the event, the New Jersey Horse Council will hold a silent auction, which will close with refreshments at 4:30 p.m. A special program and buffet will be held for veterinarians from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 10th. Keynote speakers for this event include: Dr. Laurel Gershwin, who will present her research findings on allergic responses in horses; and Dr. Robert Holland, who will discuss new technologies in vaccine development. The Equine Short Course offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to interact with some of the top speakers in the nation on a variety of health care issues that directly impact horses of all breeds, ages, and levels of performance. The cost for the event is $75 for one day or $110 for both days and includes lunch, refreshments and hand-out materials. The cost of the evening buffet, which is limited to practicing veterinarians, is $20. For more information and to register, contact Donna Foulk or Everett Chamberlain at Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension of Warren County at 908-475-6503, Dr. Carey Williams at Rutgers University at 732-932-5529, or Bob Mickel at Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension of Hunterdon County at 908-788-1338. Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension provides information and educational services to all people without regard to sex, race, color, national origin, disability or handicap, or age. Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension is an Equal Opportunity Employer. |