Revised: 05/22/2008 |
New Jersey Department of Agriculture
Memo To: Veterinarians From: Nancy E. Halpern, D.V.M., State Veterinarian Date: October 24, 2006 Re: Horses at Monmouth Park Racetrack Shipped from Facility Currently Positive for EHV Type-1
The New Jersey Department of Agriculture (NJDA) received confirmation today that two horses stabled at Monmouth Park Racetrack located in Oceanport, New Jersey were shipped from a Canadian training facility currently positive for Equine Herpesvirus Type-1 (EHV-1). The horses were clinically normal when they arrived at Monmouth Park on October 12, 2006, but one developed a fever on October 14; 48 hours after shipping from the training facility in Canada. The horse with clinical signs was initially treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs and subsequently recovered 72 hours later.
In addition, 2 horses at the Canadian facility developed neurologic signs; one horse was recumbent and was subsequently euthanized and necropsied and the second was taken to the University of Guelph for treatment on October 14th and 15th, respectively. Both horses later tested positive for EHV-1. Upon receiving confirmation of the positive horses from the Canadian facility on Sunday, October 22nd, the veterinarian responsible for treating the contact horse at Monmouth Park submitted samples to University of Kentucky Livestock Disease Diagnostic Center to test for EHV-1 infection in the two horses that were shipped from the Canadian facility on October 12th (only one of which demonstrated clinical signs of disease), and five additional horses in the same barn at Monmouth Park that have since developed a fever. None of the affected horses at Monmouth Park are demonstrating neurologic signs at this time. NJDA and Monmouth park officials are working with the veterinarian and trainer to conduct tracing of all horses and/or facilities that may have had contact with the affected horse.
The EHV-1 organism spreads quickly from horse to horse and can cause respiratory problems especially in young horses, spontaneous abortions in pregnant mares, and the neurologic form of the virus can reach high morbidity and mortality rates. The incubation period of EHV-1 is typically 2-10 days. Clinical signs in of respiratory disease include fever, serous nasal discharge, depression, pharyngitis, cough, inappetence, and/or submandibular or retropharyngeal lymphadenopathy. In horses infected with the neurologic strain of EHV-1, clinical signs include, mild incoordination, posterior weakness/paralysis and recumbency, loss of bladder and tail function, and loss of sensation to the skin in the perineal and inguinal areas. In exceptional cases, the paralysis may progress to quadriplegia and death. Prognosis depends on severity of signs and the period of recumbency.
There is currently no known method to reliably prevent the neurologic form of EHV-1 infection. It is recommended to maintain appropriate vaccination procedures in an attempt to reduce the incidence of the respiratory form of EHV-1 infection, which may help prevent the neurologic form. Transmission of the virus can occur via coughing or sneezing over a distance of up to 35 feet as well as by direct contact with infected horses, feed and equipment. Based on clinical signs, there is no reason to believe that there is any human health risk.
NJDA Division of Animal Health, racing commission and racetrack officials have taken additional steps and safeguards to contain and prevent the spread of the disease. Specifically:
New Jersey horses not connected to Monmouth Park or to horses that have been traced from Monmouth Park are not affected by these restrictions. However, horse owners and transporters should consider contacting officials at travel destinations to confirm that state or local officials have not implemented restrictions.
This case of EHV-1 is a reminder to prevent the importation of this virus to New Jersey, and to limit its spread once it enters the state. Therefore, the New Jersey Department of Agriculture recommends:
Trailer interiors:
Car, truck and trailer tires:
Clean and disinfect:
If you have any further questions or concerns, contact NJDA - DAH at (609) 292-3965.