Revised: 12/24/2008 |
New Jersey Department of Agriculture
Memo To: Veterinarians From: Nancy E. Halpern, DVM State Veterinarian Date: December 24, 2008 Re: Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM) update
Dr. Nancy Halpern, State Veterinarian with the New Jersey Department of Agriculture (NJDA) has implemented quarantines on three facilities in NJ. Mares at these farms have had contact with one of the four stallions in Kentucky that tested positive for contagious equine metritis (CEM). State and federal animal health officials have been working together to identify any mares that may have been exposed to infected semen from these stallions. Currently, NJDA Division of Animal Health and USDA veterinarians are testing the three exposed mares in NJ for CEM. The premises where these three mares are located are under quarantine to prevent the possible spread of the disease while the exposed mares are evaluated.
CEM is a transmissible venereal disease of horses caused by the bacterium Taylorella equigenitalis. This exotic highly contagious disease is not normally found in the US.
CEM is transmitted easily at breeding but also may be transmitted indirectly through artificial insemination or contact with contaminated hands or objects. It usually results in infertility and, on rare occasions, abortion. An acute infection causes active inflammation of the uterus with obvious thick, milky, mucoid vulvar discharge 10 to 14 days after breeding. Chronic infections induce milder uterine inflammation with less obvious vulvar discharge. The carrier mare is asymptomatic, but still infectious and can remain a carrier for several months. Stallions exhibit no clinical signs but can carry the CEM bacteria on their external genitalia for years. Because animals may be asymptomatic, the disease is difficult to detect and control. CEM can be treated with disinfectants and antibiotics. There is no evidence that CEM affects people.
Veterinarians and equine owners who suspect that an animal may have CEM or been exposed to infected semen should immediately contact NJDA Division of Animal Health at (609) 292-3965 or USDA APHIS VS at (609) 259-8387 for assistance. CEM is a reportable disease if suspected or diagnosed and must be reported to the Department of Agriculture without delay, and in any case, within 48 hours (N.J.A.C. § 2:2-1.1 and 1.5).
The New Jersey State Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory is approved by the United States Department of Agriculture to perform CEM culture. Differentiating CEM from Klebsiella and Pseudomonas spp. can only be done reliably by laboratory isolation of T. equigenitalis. T. equigenitalis is a fastidious organism requiring specific growth conditions. For further information about testing please contact Dr. Beatriz Miguel at 609-292-3965. |