Revised: 12/12/2008 |
New Jersey Department of Agriculture
Memo To: Veterinarians From: Nancy E. Halpern, DVM, State Veterinarian Date: December 9, 2008 Re: Equine Herpes Virus 1 (EHV-1) Alert: Horse confirmed positive on Delaware horse farm.
On December 8, 2008, the Delaware State Veterinarian announced that PCR
results from the University of Kentucky confirm a Standardbred horse in Kent
County has tested positive for Equine Herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1). The horse began
showing neurological signs of this highly infectious viral disease of horses
on December 3. The horse's clinical signs progressed and it was euthanized
at the farm on December 7. This horse had no record of racing, qualifying or
training at Dover Downs. Both the Delaware Harness Racing Commission
investigative unit and the Delaware Department of Agriculture are
investigating this matter. The State Veterinarian's office and the owners of
the horse farm have implemented biosecurity measures to prevent the spread
of this disease. In addition, other horses on the premises that may have
come in contact with the euthanized horse during his illness are being
tested and monitored for clinical signs. This includes monitoring
temperatures twice a day. Regular updates regarding this investigation will
be available on the Delaware Department of Agriculture's website
The EHV-1 organism spreads quickly from horse to horse and can cause respiratory problems especially in young horses, spontaneous abortions in pregnant mares, and the neurologic form of the virus can reach high morbidity and mortality rates.
NJDA recommends the implementation of precautionary measures that minimize the spread of agents of disease in the environment on any premises with potential contact with infected horses. The neurological form of EHV is considered a reportable disease in New Jersey. If you have a horse exhibiting neurological signs or suspect Equine Herpes please call the Division of Animal Health at 609-292-3965.
The NJDA Animal Health laboratory provides serological testing for EHV:
If a horse is exhibiting neurological signs, it is recommended to test by PCR. For further information, please contact Dr. Betty Miguel, Director, Animal Health Laboratory at 609-292-1270 or via email at beatriz.miguel@ag.state.nj.us. |