Revised: 05/22/2008 |
New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Division of Animal Health
Memo To: Veterinarians and Agricultural Related Industries From: State Veterinarian Nancy E. Halpern, DVM Date: June 20, 2005 Re: Vesicular Stomatitis (VS) Update: Vesicular Stomatitis Confirmed in Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas
As of June 17, 2005, Vesicular Stomatitis (VS) has been confirmed in Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. All of the cases have been in horses although other livestock have been located on the various quarantined premises. Therefore all livestock traveling from these states must acquire a pre-entry permit prior to entering into New Jersey. This includes livestock that originally reside in NJ and travel to these states for shows, fairs, sales, races, etc. The most recent cases occurred in two horses that were taken on a pleasure ride on May 22nd in the southeast part of Utah along the Escalante River where the owner noticed an abundance of biting flies and insects. The owner first noticed the animals were sick a little over a week later on May 31st. On June 17, 2005, the National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) in Ames, IA, confirmed the finding of vesicular stomatitis New Jersey virus (VS-NJ) in a horse residing in Garfield County, Utah. This is the first confirmed case of vesicular stomatitis in the State of Utah in 2005. Utah had no cases of vesicular stomatitis in 2004. The complement fixation (CF) test results showed that one of the sick horses had a four-fold increase in antibodies to VS-NJ in paired sera collected on June 6 and June 15. This meets the requirement for identification of the index case of vesicular stomatitis for a newly affected State. Serologic tests and virus isolation on a second horse with clinical signs consistent with VS on the premises are pending. There are nine clinically normal horses and two clinically normal sheep also present on the premises. The infected premises have been placed under quarantine. New Jersey: All livestock (including horses), and wild and exotic animals, to be imported from states which have been identified as being affected with the contagious viral disease known as vesicular stomatitis must first obtain a permit for entry by telephone at (609) 292-3965 or by fax at (609) 777-8395 (weekdays, 8:45am to 4:45pm, eastern time).
Permits will be granted only for those animals that are accompanied by an approved Certificate of Veterinary Inspection which includes a statement that: