Revised: 07/02/2008 |
New Jersey Department of Agriculture
Memo To: Veterinarians From: Nancy E. Halpern, DVM, New Jersey State Veterinarian Date: June 24, 2008 Re: West Nile Virus (WNV) / Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) Update
New Jersey's arboviral season is here and veterinarians are reminded that suspect or confirmed cases of West Nile virus (WNV) or Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) in livestock species are reportable to the State Veterinarian at 609-292-3965 immediately or within 48 hours, maximum. In addition, a neurologic disease worksheet must be completed for all neurologic cases and faxed to the Division at 609-777-8395 as soon as possible. Download the form from the New Jersey Department of Agriculture website www.state.nj.us/agriculture/. Click on "Divisions", then "Animal Health". Under the "Animal Diseases" heading, click on the word "Equine" to locate the Neurologic Disease Worksheet.
There are no cases yet reported in New Jersey, but cases have been confirmed in Alabama, Florida and Georgia. So far this year, Georgia has confirmed 9 cases of EEE in horses, a significant increase from last year's total of 6 cases.
The NJDA-Division of Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory performs EEE and WNV testing:
EEE ELISA ($30.00): 1 ml serum, w/cold pack HI ($15.00) : 1 ml serum, w/cold pack
PCR ($35.00): 1 ml whole blood RTT*/CSF**/brain tissue
2-3 days
WNV PCR ($35.00): Whole blood RTT */CSF**/brain tissue ELISA ($20.00)
2-3 days
Contact Dr. Betty Miguel, Director, Animal Health Laboratory, 609-292-1270 or via email at beatriz.miguel@ag.state.nj.us.
*RTT-red top tube **spinal fluid
Laboratory specimen(s), along with a laboratory submission form, should be sent to:
(If sent via courier service): New Jersey Department of Agriculture, Division of Animal Health Laboratory, John Fitch Plaza, Health and Agriculture Building, Room 201, Trenton, NJ 08625
(If sent via U.S. Postal Service): NJ Department of Agriculture, Division of Animal Health Laboratory, P.O. Box 330, Trenton, NJ 08625
New Jersey statistics from the past few years indicate the following:
Onset Date of 1st WNV or EEE case 2007: September 26 (WNV+) 2006: September 6 (WNV+) 2005: July 31 (EEE+) 2004: August 3 (EEE+) 2003: July 30 (WNV+) 2002: July 15 (WNV+)
Onset Date of last WNV or EEE case 2007: November 1 (WNV+) 2006: September 9 (EEE+) 2005: August 29 (EEE+) 2004: October 6 (WNV+) 2003: November 10 (WNV+) 2002: October 24 (WNV+) |