Animal Nutrition and Environmental Impact
Next Tuesday
night, April 11th, Rutgers will host a seminar entitled “Animal Nutrition
and Environmental Impact” at the Sussex County Extension Office. The guest
speaker, Larry Chase from Cornell University, will be discussing how to
adjust livestock feed to reduce waste (phosphorus) excretion. This seminar
is funded through the Wallkill Watershed agricultural grant the North Jersey
RC&D received from the NJ DEP. Please help us promote this important seminar
by sending this notice to any livestock producers you think would be
Tuesday, April 11th, 2006
At 7:00 p.m.
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Larry Chase; Cornell University
Main Topic of The Evening:
Feeding livestock to minimize waste excretion
Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension of Sussex County Office
127 Morris Turnpike
Newton, NJ 07860
For more information or to RSVP contact:
RCRE of Salem County RCRE of Sussex County
David Lee; Agent or Steve Komar; Program Associate
(856) 769-0090 (973) 948-3040
Directions: (See map below)
Newton, on Route 206/94 heading north, turn left onto county route (CR)
519 just beyond the old
county Court House.
Stay on CR 519 through Hampton
After 5.1 miles, you'll come to an intersection
where CR 519 turns right and CR 655 begins by going
straight. DO NOT turn right. Instead, GO STRAIGHT onto CR 655.
Turn LEFT on the road opposite the Juvenile
Detention Center. There is a RCE of Sussex County sign indicating where
to turn.
The RCE of Sussex County office located a short
distance up the road to the right; in a two-story white
house with a porch.