Revised: 05/22/2008 |
Are You 'Stressing Out' Your Horse?
Carey Williams, Ph.D., Extension Specialist in Equine Management Published 8/3/2005 Fact Sheet #656
What is Stress? Stress is the body’s response to anything it considers threatening. For a horse this could be anything, including trailering and traveling, showing, poor nutrition, feeding at irregular times, changes in other routines, environmental toxins, interactions within their social environment, variations in climate, and illness.
Some types of stress include various physical stresses that are based on the physical makeup of the animal and its ability to respond to changes in diet, injury, etc. Psychological stresses are based on a horse’s personality and its perception of life. For example, some horses are more stressed than others by being in a stall for long periods of time.
How do Horses Cope with Stress?
Each horse deals with stress in a different way depending on their personality. To help horses decrease their critical temperature, one needs to precondition them for cold weather. Making
sure horses carry enough weight to use as energy and insulation is a good way to go into winter. Provide
free choice grass hay during the winter months, which will allow the horses to always produce enough
internal heat through gastrointestinal fermentation. Providing shelter from wind, rain, and cold is important.
If you have a horse that is not allowed in the shelter with other horses it is a good idea to provide a blanket,
especially when there is freezing rain. Be sure blankets are waterproof. A wet blanket may cause a horse to
lose more heat than it would if it were not blanketed. Studies in the past decade have investigated numerous factors during transport to try and make a horse’s
haul more comfortable. Some of these factors include orientation of the horse in the trailer during transport,
design of the suspension and ventilation of the trailer, quality of the transport environment and air quality,
and generally the amount of stress a horse is under during various lengths of hauls. Most studies have
shown that levels of the stress hormone cortisol to increase during transportation, along with greater
fluctuations in heart rate (known as heart rate variability). Some studies have reported as much as a 6%
weight loss during a 24-hour haul. Half of this weight was replaced over a 24-hour recovery period. Muscle
enzymes called creatine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase (CK & AST) leak out of the muscle after a
24-hour haul. This is a potential indicator for muscle damage. Antioxidants are the body’s way of combating the negative effects
of the ROS. Some common antioxidants include: vitamin E, vitamin C,
beta-carotene, glutathione, lipoic acid, selenium, cysteine, glutathione
peroxidase, etc. 11. What is oxidative stress, and how does it affect my
horse? Oxidative stress occurs when the body’s antioxidants are overwhelmed
by production of ROS. Antioxidant supplementation may be needed during times
of stress that have been associated with an increase in oxidative stress.
These include: intense and endurance exercise, rapid growth, reproduction,
transportation, illness, or other types of stressful situations described
above. When supplementing antioxidants, mixtures usually work best. It is
important to avoid over-supplementation due to the fact that some of the
antioxidant vitamins and minerals can be toxic to the system in extremely
high doses. Stomach Ulcers Are you giving your horse an ulcer? Did you know
that 80–90% of all racehorses have ulcers? Also, 60% of all performance
horses (including eventers, jumpers, and western performance events), and
30–40% of all dressage horses develop ulcers. A horse’s stomach secretes acid
even when they are not eating, unlike in humans. However, only ½ of their
stomach is protected against damage from the acid. When a horse grazes all
day the roughage helps absorb the acid and the saliva produced neutralizes
acid. Ingestion of a grain meal increases ‘gastrin’, a hormone that
stimulates acid secretion. Therefore, it is important to always feed forage
along with a grain meal. The main causes of stomach ulcers are changes in
eating behavior, changes in management, or an increase in training
intensity. Horses that are accustomed to being outside can develop ulcers
after only 1 week of being kept in a stall, while others could develop them
within 24 hours. Some signs that a horse is developing ulcers include a
change in attitude, poor appetite, colic, decreased performance, decrease in
body condition, weight loss, and a dull or sour attitude. To prevent ulcers,
you need to prevent stress and minimize the use of non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory agents (NSAID) such as, phenylbutazone (Bute). Exertional Rhabdomyolysis (ER) Other terms for ER are "tying-up", "azoturia", or "Monday morning
sickness". This condition is muscle pain and cramping associated with
exercise. Its main prevalence is in the middle gluteal or semitendinosus
muscles of the hindquarters. There are sporadic or chronic forms of ER,
which could be severe enough to decrease performance or end a career. There
are different causes of tying-up for different breeds, however, recurrent ER
(RER) primarily affects Thoroughbreds, Standardbreds, and Arabians. Nervous
two-year-old fillies are most severely affected due to the stress associated
with their training regime. With these horses the incidence may increase in
severity as fitness increases. One way to test for ER is to take a blood sample after
exercise and have the sample analyzed for CK and AST (muscle enzymes
described above). These enzymes will be drastically elevated during a bout
of ER and may even be elevated at rest in a horse that chronically ties up.
The clinical signs that your horse is tying-up include: stiffness of gait in
the hind legs, unwillingness to move, and sensitivity of touch to the
affected muscles. These muscles will feel very tight or tense. In severe
cases the horse’s urine will be a brown or reddish color from the breakdown
and excretion of the myoglobin in the muscle. To treat a horse
afflicted with ER, immediately move it to a box stall and call a
veterinarian. Blanket the horse if weather is cool or hose the horse to
remove sweat if weather is warm. Check for signs of dehydration using the
skin pinch test and look at mucous membranes. Allow small frequent sips of
water when the horse is hot, and free access to water when the horse is
cool. Many other factors can contribute to tying-up. However, to help
decrease the incidence of the disease attempts should be made to decrease
training-induced stress. Dietary changes and vitamin E supplementation may
also help in some cases. Summary of How to Minimize Stress in Your Horse’s
Life: • Keep horses turned out as much as possible but if not
possible, feed ad libitum hay. • Stick to a routine but if you need to make changes, do so
slowly. • When traveling take items that are familiar (e.g. your own
hay, water, grain, etc.). • Avoid riding in extreme weather conditions. • Feed a well balanced diet. • Maintain a good health program. • Provide a pleasant environment. • Provide regular varied exercise. • Allow for play time. • Prevent boredom. • Allow your horse social activity. • Keep yourself happy, healthy, and stress free!! References and Other Recommended Reading: Anon. 2002. Equine Industry Welfare
Guidelines Compendium for Horses, Ponies, and Donkeys. (A. Michael,
ed.). www.adas.co.uk/equinewelfare/ compendium.pdf. Andersen, K. 1996. Winter Care for Horses. Univ. of Nebraska
Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet, #G1292. Grandin, T. 1997. Assessment of Stress During Handling and Transport.
J. Anim. Sci. 75: 249-257. Malinowski, K. 1993.
Management for Equine Athletes. Rutgers Cooperative Research and
Extension Fact Sheet, FS716. Ralston, S.L. 1994.
Performance Horse Conditioning and Notes on Conditioning. Rutgers
Cooperative Research and Extension Fact Sheet, FS752. Valberg, S. 2005. Equine Exertional Rhabdomyolysis: Management of
Sporadic and Recurrent Exertional Rhabdomyolysis. Mid-Atlantic Nutrition
Conference Proc. p. 197-203. Williams, C.A., D.S. Kronfeld, T.M. Hess, J.N. Waldron, K.M. Crandell,
K.E. Saker, R.M. Hoffman, and P.A. Harris. 2004. Antioxidant
Supplementation and Subsequent Oxidative Stress of Horses During an 80km
Endurance Race. J. Anim. Sci. 82:(588-594). |