Revised: 01/05/2009 |
The Equine Science Center offers this series of podcasts as a way to accommodate the public’s desire to learn “on the run.” All the podcasts in the series are based on Rutgers Cooperative Extension Fact Sheets, consisting of original research by Extension and Equine Science Center-affiliated faculty as well as summaries of research and publications produced by other prominent scholars and experts. These podcasts cover some of the most asked-for information on topics of interest to horse and horse farm owners and individuals involved in the horse industry.
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If you prefer to download each podcast as an individual .mp3 file, right click the "download .mp3" link for each podcast listed below and choose "Save target as..." Navigate to the desired save location on your computer using the "Save As" dialog box and choose "Save." To play the .mp3 file on your computer, navigate to the location where you saved the file and double-click it. For Windows users, the file should open and play in Windows Media Player; Macintosh users should see the file open and play in QuickTime.
Press Releases: Podcast Series Offers Dynamic Way to Learn Rutgers Equine Science Center Posts Two New Podcasts on Farm Safety, Fire Prevention
Basic Nutrition-Part I: Equine Digestive System and Importance of Water This podcast is an overview of the anatomical components and functions of the horse's digestive system. The importance of water in the horse's diet is described.
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Basic Nutrition-Part II: Nutritional Needs of the Horse In this podcast, the nutritional needs of the horse are described. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals are discussed.
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Equine Behavior This podcast is a description of the horse's survival traits, communication, social structure and senses.
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Care of the Older Horse This podcast looks at the special conditions and considerations of the older horse.
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Horse Transportation This podcast covers transportation stress and how to lessen its effects on the horse.
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Trailer Maintenance and Safety This podcasts details purchase considerations and routine and annual maintenance checks for horse trailers.
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Fire Prevention on a Farm The three components of a fire are discussed in this podcast, as well as practical suggestions to eliminate potential fire hazards around a farm.
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Farm Safety Recommendations This podcast features recommendations for the safety of people and animals on a farm. Structures, fencing, equipment and roadways are discussed.
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Are You Stressing Your Horse? Descriptions of psychological and physiological stress factors for a horse and their effects on the horse's systems are discussed in this podcast.
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The Importance of Pastures This podcast gives an overview of the importance of pastures, what they are used for and pasture management considerations.
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Diagnosis of Nutritional Problems in Horses This podcast looks at different nutritional factors and their relationship to various equine health disorders.
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Does My Horse Have a Metabolic Problem? Definitions, identifications, and recommendations for various equine metabolic problems are covered in this podcast.
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Nutrition for the Competition Horse Definitions of the different types of performance work, and appropriate feeds for each, are presented in this podcast.
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The Rapidly Growing Foal This podcast covers nutritional and other aspects affecting developmental orthopedic disease in foals.
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