Revised: 07/22/2008 |
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Horse Pasture Management – Jeremy W. Singer, Ph.D., Former Extension Specialist, Field & Forage Crops; Dan Kluchinski, Chair, Agricultural & Resource Management Agents Department, Mercer County; and William J. Bamka, Burlington County Agricultural Agent Reviewed in 2004 by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Extension Specialist in Equine Management Fact Sheet #103
property owners are continuously confronted with pasture management
decisions that ultimately affect the productivity, persistence, and
appearance of their pastures. An understanding of pasture species, growth
habits, and specific growing conditions is required for proper species
selection and management.
Grasses are the mainstays of horse pastures. Table 1. lists recommended grass species adapted to New Jersey growing conditions. They are all cool-season grasses, as opposed to warm-season grasses. Cool season grasses, such as Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and tall fescue, are most commonly grown in New Jersey, as they thrive in temperate climates. Most of their growth occurs in the early spring and late fall when temperatures are cool, and productivity decreases during hot summer weather. In contrast, warm-season grasses usually have a tropical origin and are most productive in the hot summer months; their main disadvantage is that they are often less hardy and can winter-kill. Cool season grasses also vary in cold hardiness. Susceptible species often winter-kill when exposed to below-normal winter temperatures.
Table 1. Characteristics of Cool-Season Perennial Grasses In addition to winter survivability, Table 1. provides information on seedling vigor. The higher the vigor, the more rapid the germination and establishment of the species. The tolerance of the species to droughty or wet soil conditions, and to low pH (soil acidity) are also listed, as is tolerance to frequent grazing. Although commonly recommended throughout the northeastern states, timothy and smooth bromegrass are probably not good choices for horse pastures unless a regular schedule of pasture rotation is practiced, because they do not tolerate frequent grazing. Reed canarygrass tolerates wet soils, but even the new low-alkaloid varieties are not as palatable as other pasture species. Orchardgrass tolerates frequent grazing better than smooth bromegrass and timothy, is high yielding, and establishes quickly. It is usually recommended with Kentucky bluegrass and white clover. Perennial ryegrass can be substituted for orchardgrass, but because it is not winter hardy, re-seeding each spring will probably need to be practiced in more northern locations.
Table 2. Characteristics of Perennial Forage Legumes If the amount of pasture is limiting, stocking densities are high, or rotational grazing is not practiced, species that tolerate frequent grazing are essential. Pasture grasses and legumes have different abilities to recover from grazing. Species that have growing points underground tolerate frequent grazing better than those with growing points above ground. Kentucky bluegrass always maintains storage and growing points underground, while timothy and smooth bromegrass have aboveground growing points at certain growth stages. If these species are grazed while their growing points are aboveground it will damage and eventually kill them. White clover tolerates frequent grazing but has a low tolerance to drought. Tall fescue is fairly tolerant of frequent grazing and can withstand trampling. Research on horse pastures in New Jersey has indicated that most are overstocked. Therefore, tolerance to frequent grazing is most often the critical criterion for horse property owners when selecting species for pasture establishment or renovation. Consequently, it is not surprising that Kentucky bluegrass and common white clover are the two most abundant species in horse pastures.
Seeding Mixes A common seeding mixture in the northeastern states contains Kentucky bluegrass, endophyte-free tall fescue, and white clover. This is a mix that performs well, unless site-specific pasture conditions limit the use of these species. Kentucky bluegrass and white clover both tolerate frequent grazing but are sensitive to dry soil conditions. Tall fescue tolerates dry conditions better than Kentucky bluegrass or white clover. Tall fescue is often avoided by horse owners because it may not be as palatable as other grasses and may be infected with an endophyte that affects pregnant mares. Pregnant mares should be removed from endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures during the last 3 months of gestation. Endophyte-free tall fescue varieties are commercially available for pasture use. Endophyte-free tall fescue plays a major role in horse pastures in adapted areas and with proper management can provide an excellent source of forage for horses. More recently, endophytes have been introduced to perennial ryegrass cultivars. Consequently, if purchasing perennial ryegrass, make sure you buy endophyte-free cultivars.
Conclusion Establishing or renovating pastures can be expensive, so collecting more information before making a decision increases the potential for success. Pasture seed mixes should contain species whose characteristics complement one another. Consult with your county agricultural agent or other RCE fact sheets on equine pasture management.
Definitions: Alkaloid – Any of numerous usually colorless, complex, and bitter organic bases containing nitrogen and usually oxygen. Endophyte – A microorganism that lives at least part of its life cycle within a host plant, as a parasite or symbiont.
Nitrogen fixation
The metabolic assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia by soil
microorganisms and especially rhizobia. |