Revised: 05/22/2008 |
Contact: Diana M. Orban Brown Director of Communications Rutgers Equine Science Center 732-932-9419
NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ (April 7, 2008) – Rutgers Equine Science Center and Rutgers NJAES Cooperative Extension have scheduled the popular Equine Farm and Land Management Short Course to visit north and south Jersey in May.
On Thursday, May 15, 2008, the class will be held at the Snyder Research & Extension Farm, 140 Locust Grove Road in Pittstown (snyderfarm.rutgers.edu). The following week -- on Thursday May 22, 2008 -- the site will be the Salem County Cooperative Extension Office, 51 Cheney Road, Woodstown (salem.rutgers.edu). The course will run from approximately 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with lunch midday. Registrations will be accepted for the full day or for either the morning or the afternoon sessions.
Specially designed for owners and managers of horse farms and other livestock facilities, the morning lecture presentations will cover pasture management; the role of pasture on horse health; pasture renovation; manure management; and water quality issues. The afternoon session will focus on demonstrations, including weed and forage identification; manure spreader calibration; and other pasture management and equine nutrition-related topics. Speakers will include Rutgers Cooperative Extension specialists and agricultural and natural resource agents.
The registration fee is $40 for the full day or $25 for either the morning or afternoon half day; both registrations include lunch. For further information or to register, download a registration form available at www.esc.rutgers.edu or contact salinger@njaes.rutgers.edu via email.
The Equine Farm and Land Management Short Course organized by Dr. Carey Williams for Horses 2007 was reproduced on a 10-disc DVD set that is available for purchase for $79.99 + $5.00 shipping from the Rutgers Cooperative Extension office at 732-932-9514. |