Revised: 08/06/2008 |
Krogmann, Ph.D., Extension Specialist in Solid Waste Management, Michael L.
Westendorf, Ph.D., Extension Specialist in Animal Sciences, and Barbara F.
Rogers, Environmental Scientist
Compost from horse farms can be used as a soil amendment providing organic matter and some nutrients. Composting manure on small horse farms can be part of an overall effort to better manage manure and reduce non-point sources of pollution (nitrogen, phosphorus, and pathogens) to drainage basins in New Jersey.
are important for companionship, sport, work, pleasure, education, and
therapy. In New Jersey, in addition to playing an important role in the
state’s economy, horses help to maintain open, green spaces that add to the
scenic beauty of the state. Horses and the farms on which they live are
often very valuable. Horse Manure Management – Bedding Use
Michael Westendorf, Ph.D., Extension Specialist in Animal
Sciences and Uta Krogmann, Ph.D., Extension Specialist in Solid Waste
Management Stall Waste Production: A 1000-pound horse will defecate from 4 to 13 times per day. This horse will produce 35 to 50 pounds of manure daily, or about 9 tons per year. On the average, about 31 pounds of feces and 2.4 gallons of urine daily, totaling up to 50 pounds of raw waste per day in feces and urine. William J. Bamka, Burlington County Agricultural Agent Reviewed in 2004 by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Extension Specialist in Equine Management Fact Sheet #618
Michael Westendorf, Extension Specialist in Animal Sciences
Elton Hansens and Stuart Race, Rutgers University Courtesy of Rutgers University Department of Entomology
For a number of years Rutgers research has been directed toward control of the salt marsh greenhead in southern New Jersey. Now we can recommend a trap which will greatly reduce greenhead annoyance in many areas. Further research is planned to develop even better controls, which are effective and have no harmful side effects.