Typical Challenges in Maintaining Pastures and Water Quality
Overgrazing, lack of pasture management, and adverse
environmental conditions can cause weeds such as yellow
rocket to flourish.
Our team of experts in pasture management,
water quality, and concentrated nutrient and waste management identified
some of the typical challenges which managers might encounter on their
farm, such as:
- Pastures vary in the need for fertilizer and lime applications.
- Overstocking and intensive grazing may cause loss of high
quality forages.
- Farm plans need to be adaptable due to changing horse numbers
and group composition.
- Overgrazing, lack of pasture management, and adverse
environmental conditions can cause weeds and toxic plants to
- More manure is generated than can be effectively utilized on
most horse farms.
- Poor drainage and existing landscape configuration can create
wet and muddy pastures.
- Stormwater runoff may transport animal waste to local waterways,
which increases stream nutrients and fecal coliform bacteria.
- Improper storage of manure may cause leaching of nitrates and
bacteria which contribute to groundwater contamination.