Rutgers Cooperative Research and
Extension Team Members:
Carey A. Williams, Ph.D. (Project Lead) Extension Specialist
in Horse Management
Dr. Williams specializes in equine nutrition and
pasture management.
Christopher C. Obropta, Ph.D., P.E. (Co-Manager) Extension
Specialist in Water Resources
Dr. Obropta is leading the design for stormwater runoff
and water control measures.
Michael Westendorf, Ph.D. (Co-Manager) Extension Specialist in
Livestock and Dairy
Dr. Westendorf is leading the design for proper manure
management, including storage and composting.
William J. Bamka,
(Collaborator), County Agricultural Agent
Mr. Bamka is collaborating on the design of a pasture
management plan.
Michael J. Fennell, Ph.D.,
(Collaborator), Director of Animal Care, SEBS
Dr. Fennell supervises the involvement of animal
interaction at the farm.
Sarah L. Ralston, VMD Ph.D., dACVN (Collaborator), Associate Professor in Animal Sciences, SEBS
Dr. Ralston specializes in equine nutrition and effects
of pasture on equine metabolism.
Supporting Team Members
Karyn Malinowski, Ph.D., Director, Equine Science Center
Diana Orban Brown, Director of Communications, Equine Science
Clint Burgher, Research Farm Manager, Animal Care, SEBS
Dan Kluchinski, Agricultural Resource and Management Agent,
Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension
William Meyer,
Professor, Plant Biology and Pathology, SEBS
Robert Mickel, Agricultural Resource and Management Agent,
Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension
Janice Reid, Assistant State Conservationist for Programs, New
Jersey Department of Agriculture
Mark Van Gessel, Ph.D., University of Delaware Weed Specialist
