Revised: 09/15/2008 |
Nutrition Supplements
Should I feed extra biotin for hooves and the coat?
Do you recommend a biotin supplement for hooves and the coat? If so, in what amounts? Do horses normally make biotin in the body?
Research performed in England shows that supplementing biotin to horses with low quality hooves improves the hooves, making them stronger and less likely to crack. Though many other studies have been performed, most have the same results. The dosage shown to best maintain or improve hoof quality is approximately 15-30 mg/day. It was noted that for the best results, an adequate supply of calcium must also come from the horse’s hay or grain. Results of the supplementation were seen within nine to twelve months due to the fact that horses’ hooves take about a year to grow from the coronary band to the ground.
Though biotin is naturally made in the gut of the horse, supplementing it in the diet will not hurt because it is water soluble and is not stored in the body. Vitamin B-deficient horses especially need biotin in their diet and should be supplemented. Also, horses that are stressed from being transported or stabled for long periods of time also can benefit from a biotin supplement.
While biotin helps with a horse’s hooves, it can also help maintain a healthy coat. The coat is the horse’s largest organ. Biotin helps improve coat sheen, which is a sign that the horse itself is in good health. To enhance coat health, a horse may need only 8 mg of biotin per day. Results are usually visible within about five weeks.
Overall biotin is the best supplement to be used on a horse with brittle or cracked hooves or a lackluster coat. Check with your veterinarian to determine an exact dosage schedule.
This answer was prepared with the help of Samantha Schreiber, Animal Science research student, The School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Rutgers University.
How do "calming supplements" work?
I have a 5-year old Welsh cob in training for combined driving. He has a great temperament but can be skittish when introduced to new stimuli, which occurs on a regular basis. My trainer's experience is that this supplement helps the young horse process things a little better and not be as jumpy. I am having a hard time figuring out what the mechanism might be. Can you help shed some light?
Taurine: Low taurine and magnesium levels have been found in patients after heart attacks. Like magnesium, taurine affects cell membrane electrical excitability by normalizing potassium flow in and out of heart muscle cells. Taurine functions in electrically active tissues such as the brain and heart to help stabilize cell membranes. Taurine seems to inhibit and modulate neurotransmitters (like glycine and GABA) in the brain and helps to stabilize cell membranes. It also has functions in the gallbladder, eyes, and blood vessels and appears to have some antioxidant and detoxifying activity. Taurine aids the movement of potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium in and out of cells and thus helps generate nerve impulses.
Thiamine: Thiamine is very important for the normal function of the citric acid cycle. In this cycle, breakdown products of carbohydrates, fats and proteins are brought together for further breakdown and synthesis. High-grain diets result in a greater requirement for thiamine. Thiamine-deficient animals may be weak with poor appetites, weight loss and incoordination (especially in the hind legs) and exhibit nervousness that contributes to inefficient weight gain. A deficiency in thiamine can result in a number of different nervous disorders and hyper-irritability. Ensuring that thiamine status is optimal is a key step in improving weight gain.
Magnesium: Called the "anti-stress mineral," magnesium aids in relaxing nerves, relieving tension, assisting digestion, activating enzymes important for protein and carbohydrate metabolism, and modulating the electrical potential across all cell membranes. Magnesium is important in the production and transfer of energy, muscle contraction and relaxation, and nerve conduction. It also aids regularity, is necessary to keep vertebrae in their proper position, induces restful sleep, purifies and purges body tissues (by combating acids, toxins, gases, impurities, and neutralizing poisons), and lowers fever. Magnesium is stored in the bowel, nerves and ligaments. Chlorophyll and green vegetables contain large amounts of magnesium.
Inositol: One of the water-soluble B vitamins, inositol is a direct precursor of phospholipids, which are a major component of cell membranes. It helps to maintain proper electrical energy and nutrient transfer across the cell membrane. Studies suggest that inositol is effective in treating depression and may also provide support for people with obsessive-compulsive disorder and those who experience panic attacks. Research also suggests that inositol may be useful in the treatment and prevention of neurological disorders associated with diabetes.
Tryptophan and other B vitamins are also proposed to calm a nervous horse; most of these use their neurotransmitting and nerve-conducting capabilities.
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Is Cordyceps sinensis safe to give
to racehorses?
I own and race several Thoroughbreds. Recently someone suggested that my trainer use some products containing Cordyceps, a Chinese mushroom. Could you comment on the use of this ingredient in horses?
Answer provided by Sarah Ralston, VMD, Ph.D., dACVN, Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Can you comment on the ingredients and efficacy of equine digestive supplements?
Can you comment on the ingredients and efficacy of equine digestive supplements?
Yeasts are also found in some digestive aids. In scientific research, yeast has been shown to increase fiber digestion, thereby making more nutrients available for the horse to absorb; increase the availability of dietary phosphorus; normalize problem feces, including diarrhea; stabilize gut pH (acid/alkaline level); reduce level of pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria; and result in the production of higher quality milk by lactating mares and improved growth rates and health of their foals.
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
When should I give my horse electrolytes?
Electrolytes may not be needed daily, but they may be the solution to your horse’s drinking problem. They are only lost when a horse sweats profusely, e.g. during heavy competition, a long hard trail ride, or intense schooling. Daily electrolytes are not usually recommended unless the horse is profusely sweating daily, which is not usually the case.
The easiest way to give electrolytes is with a syringe paste, like a dewormer. These electrolytes are already formulated so that one syringe typically contains several doses. If schooling or at home, a dose after riding will be adequate. If at a show for a day or two and your horse typically doesn't like to drink, you might want to give a dose before leaving for the show (always take your own water), then after the competition is over. Check for signs of dehydration 24 hours after the show (use the skin pinch, capillary refill time and mucous membrane color tests) and if she is looking a little dry give a third dose the day after the show as well. If you had an endurance race or were riding in a competitive trail ride you would probably want to give two more doses on the competition day, however, that again depends on the temperature and humidity outside and amount of sweating.
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Are enteric-coated ingredients in supplements beneficial to horses?
We are presently exploring the possibility of providing enteric-coated ingredients in our joint supplements for equines and canines. Are there any studies that prove enteric-coated ingredients enhance the efficacy of joint support supplements?
More controlled clinical research is needed to investigate the bioavailability of common equine joint support product ingredients. Until we know if, how, and in what form the ingredients are being absorbed, the benefit(s) of enteric-coated supplements is not relevant.
I am not as familiar with canine joint supplement products. However, after reviewing many of the oral products being marketed for dogs, I found many common ingredients between equine and canine joint products. Canine supplements commonly are sold in chewable tabs, powder, or liquid. I did not come across any product claiming enteric coating of their joint support product.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) are commonly used to treat joint inflammation and pain. Many orally administered NSAIDs have been found to have toxic effects coinciding with chronic use or large doses, including gastric ulceration in both dogs and horses. I am unaware of enteric-coated NSAID products for horses, but I do think there are some for canines.
To the best of my knowledge, it is unknown if the efficacy of oral joint supplements in equines and canines is improved with the use of enteric-coated ingredients.
This answer was prepared with the help of Emily Lamprecht, Rutgers University, Doctoral Graduate Student in Animal Science.
Will feeding supplemental fat to a horse who is an easy keeper have a calming effect?
I have a young Arabian/Paint who is a very easy keeper. He gets adequate grazing time and medium-quality grass hay in addition to 1.5 lbs. of a “lite” pelleted grain daily. I have read that the fats such as corn oil can have a calming effect on horses. I have tried adding one cup to his feed daily for 3 weeks, and so far I see no difference. How much oil can I add to the feed without doing harm to an “easy keeper” horse that weighs about 850 lbs? His “lite” feed is basically given to insure that he is getting his needed vitamins and minerals without adding extra carbohydrates.
I hate to say it, but some horses that have extra energy may just need to be exercised more to utilize extra calories. Some horses will not respond to changes in feed, others might respond to a calming supplement with extra B-vitamins and amino acids. No research has ever been done on these products to prove if they are effective, but they may work on a case-by-case basis. There is more information on these supplements at http://www.esc.rutgers.edu/ask_expert/ate_nuts.htm#hcs
For your horse, I would recommend discontinuing the corn oil as it may be providing too much energy. Energy from fat will burn slower than that from carbohydrates. This does cause a calming effect, but due to fat’s additional calories this approach might not be appropriate for your horse or any easy keepers. Try increasing his exercise intensity. If this does not work, try a calming product. His high energy may just be his natural behavior. Sometimes an immediate solution is not evident, but over time, a long-term training solution may prove helpful as the horse gets older.
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Can you recommend a good fat supplement?
If their teeth aren't the problem then they should be better on free choice forage, especially if it is good quality grass hay. I would steer away from a sweet feed in favor of a feed with higher fat and fiber. This will take care of your fat supplement and keep you from having to use a fat source such as corn oil or rice bran (the 2 most commonly used fat supplements). Look for a feed containing about 7% or higher fat, 10-14% protein, and over 8% fiber. Pick one – don't mix and match – and offer this feed without the crimped oats. Be sure to introduce the new feed slowly: substitute a pound of the new for a pound of the old until you get them totally switched over. Without knowing their breeds and how much feed they are currently on, it is hard to estimate the total amount they should get at each feeding. The most an average 1,000-pound horse’s stomach can handle at a time is 5 pounds. So, take a bathroom scale and weigh a scoop of what they are getting now against a scoop of the new feed. If they don't start gaining with just a feed change, you could try adding in a 2- to 3-pound "lunch" or "midnight snack". I think the lack of hay is the primary cause of the problem and simply increasing their forage quantity will help. Give them at least two weeks to adapt to the new hay and feed before you make the decision to increase their grain.
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Is feeding fish extracts to race horses beneficial?
I work with an international racing authority and am in charge of the supply and management of equine feed. I was wondering if there were any benefits or side effects to feeding fish extracts to racing horses.
I have no direct experience with feeding fish extracts to horses, but there should be no risk with this type of product. The protein quality should be fairly high and highly digestible to horses. According to the 2007 NRC (Nutrient Requirements for Horses), fish meals contain 68.5 to 71.2% protein. They are an excellent source of lysine, which is good for growing race horses. They also contain 5 to 10% fat, which is a good energy source for them as well. I was surprised to see the meals are also high in Calcium (4 to 5%) and Phosphorus (2 to 3%), which would also be good for growing bones. (Menhaden and anchovy are the only fish extracts studied in horses.)
All in all, the fish meals would appear to be a good source of desired nutrients for racing/growing horses; if they will eat them. I do not think they would confer an "extra" advantage when racing, other than allowing balancing for optimal nutrient intake.
Answer provided by Dr. Sarah Ralston, VMD, Ph.D., dACVN, Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
The presence of cyanogenic glycosides in the diet is significant only in relation to dose and the nutritional status of the consumer. Flax seed meal contains two cyanogenic glycosides, linustatin and neolinustatin. Many foods are slightly cyanogenic (e.g. wheat and barley!), probably as an evolutionary adaptation to discourage herbivory, and our body and our horses have a limited capacity to detoxify low concentrations of cyanide through addition of sulphur (from amino acids). Thus, if the dietary levels of sulphur-containing amino acids are high, the body can resist a low intake of cyanide, but if the diet is low in protein overall, then we see toxicity.
It has been determined that up to 50g high-alpha-linolenic acid flaxseed is palatable, safe and may be nutritionally beneficial in humans by raising n-3 fatty acids in plasma and erythrocytes and by decreasing post-prandial glucose responses. (Cunnane S, et al, (University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada) Br J Nutr, 69:443, 1993)
Answer provided by Sarah Ralston, VMD, Ph.D., dACVN, and Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
What can I feed my horse that will help her gain weight but won’t make her hyper?
I have a 15 year old Arabian mare that is very hyper. I had her at a full care horse stable but found out that they weren’t feeding her properly. My once plump, sweet horse now has her ribs showing. I had increased her grain from one large coffee can to 1 ½ but now she is out of control and hyper. She won’t eat beet pulp. What can I feed her that is easy on the wallet, won’t make her hyper, and will bring up her weight?
When starting to feed higher fat supplements you need to start off slowly, read the directions and see how much product is recommended. Start by dropping her grain amount back down to where it was before she was hyper, and slowly increase the rice bran about ½ a cup more every two days until you reach the recommended amount. This process should take 2-3 weeks. Then monitor her weight over the next few months. If she gains, then maintains, you are at a good level. If she is still thin, or keeps gaining too much, add more or back off, but make sure to do so slowly!
If this does not help, you may need to revaluate her hay ration. Remember, horses should eat a total of 2% of their body weight daily, so make sure she is getting adequate hay. They can actually have free choice access to hay, but it should be of good quality so that she is not just getting fiber, but protein and minerals as well.
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
How much garlic should I feed my horse?
I have read on the Internet that garlic can cause anemia. I would like to know what quantities of garlic cause this - at the moment I am feeding my horse 10 ml (2 teaspoons) of dried garlic flakes once daily. Is this too little, too much, or just about right?
The anemia is caused by a specific chemical element of allium plants, N-propyl disulfide. The chemical is responsible for altering an enzyme in the red blood cells of the horses. The changes cause the red blood cells to deform and be removed by the spleen. This type of anemia is called Heinz-body anemia.
The issue with garlic is that it has undergone little testing of its own in regards to horses. Cats, dogs, and other animals are known to have this reaction to garlic as well as onions. Some claim horses have been known to show signs of anemia after an overdose of garlic. The worry is that the same effects could occur with small doses over an extended period of time. Studies about the effects of garlic on horses are only a recent occurrence.
In 2005 a study was published that tested the effects of garlic on horses. A study performed at the University of Guelph in Canada tested 4 horses; two given garlic in their daily diets and the other two with a garlic-free diet. The amount of garlic given was increased daily, reaching a maximum of 5 cups per day. The study lasted for 71 days. The blood chemistry of the garlic-fed horses showed signs of changing within three weeks. The horses did show signs of Heinz-body anemia in reaction to garlic exposure. However, the study gave doses of garlic many times the size of those given to horses in real practice. They estimated that effects would appear if horses were fed 500 grams daily.
If you are feeding 10 ml daily, it would not be a high enough dose to cause harmful effects. However, little is known about the long-term effects of such exposure. Some believe that in the long term, although signs would not readily show, the exposure could cause loss in stamina, energy, and resistance to disease. Plus, these studies are all concerning pure garlic. The garlic found in different horse products is considered less controversial. This is because many of the products that contain garlic lack the active ingredient (allicin) that is the cause for concern. This may cause the products to be less effective than straight garlic, but they are thought to be safe. The studies done to date still have no measure for the correct daily dose of garlic that should be given to horses. Some studies believe that the low-dose, long-term exposure would have the same negative effects as the high-dose exposure in the experiments. Others believe that the low dosage could not build up the same effects.
This answer was prepared with the help of Sonia D’Angio, Animal Science Research Student at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Rutgers University.
Can you recommend a supplement program to boost the immune system?
Another antioxidant that you tend to find in mixtures for boosting the immune system is glutathione. This compound is used to protect immune cells as well and also recycle vitamin E after it has been used to fight the harmful damage itself. Vitamin C is good to use specifically around stressful times, but long-term use is not needed since the horse's liver produces its own. However, if your horse has surgery, keeping him on a C supplement (about 7 to 10 g/day) while at the hospital and for about a week after would help him in case he isn’t producing enough to combat the harmful products produced during this stressful time.
When purchasing supplements, make sure you know how much of each component is in the product. Be very cautious about buying a product that claims its ingredients are “proprietary information” or does not list its ingredients. You should at least be able to know how much of each vitamin and mineral is in the mix. You need to know what you are really feeding! Many supplement companies offer ingredient lists on their websites.
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
My horse is anemic. Will an iron supplement help?
My horse is anemic; what can I do to treat it? Will an iron supplement help?
Anemia does not result directly from an iron deficiency. Causes of anemia can include blood loss, parasite infection, and RBC degradation or lack of production. The most difficult obstacle in curing anemia is finding the root of the problem first. Once that is eliminated, the anemia will usually correct itself. Iron supplementation will not help unless you correct the underlying problem of the anemia first. Iron injections are commonly used, but should be given with caution! Iron can be toxic and possibly fatal; anaphylactic shock due to the injection is also possible.
With exercise training and conditioning there will be a natural increase in RBC, so unfit horses may have a lower PCV than fit horses. Conditioning may be a good way to help increase RBC in the borderline anemic horse.
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Are joint supplements absorbed effectively?
My vet says that even if a joint supplement has been tested to show that it is absorbed in the horse’s digestive system, that doesn’t mean that it gets to the joints. Chondroitin sulfate, a joint supplement ingredient, has a very large molecular weight and therefore absorption by the horse is debatable though there are no published studies confirming or denying its absorbability.
Another ingredient, hyaluronic acid, is one of the main components of joint fluid. It has been successfully injected directly into the joint and more recently injected into the blood stream. I’ve been told “the higher the molecular weight of hyaluronic acid, the more effective the product.” However, that seems contrary to what is known about chondroitin sulfate.
Please advise which of these two substances would be most effective as a supplement to prevent joint pain in a mature novice/training level event horse.
Ingredients: Glucosamine hydrochloride, chondroitin sulfate, manganese ascorbate
Ingredient: Polysulfated glycosaminoglycans (PSGAGs) Administration: Intra-muscular (IM) Research: These products have been shown to have significant improvements in lameness scores, stride length, flexion, and carpal swelling. It should be noted that while they will most likely help prevent further damage to the articular cartilage, they have not been shown to heal or repair defects already present.
Ingredient: Hyaluronate sodium
There is some debate regarding the efficacy of treatment with an intra-articular injection (into the joint) of high molecular weight HA versus low molecular weight HA. Very little clinical research has been conducted on this, and the existing studies do not provide unequivocal evidence that molecular weight has a direct pharmacological effect on efficacy.
Ingredient: Diclofenac sodium Administration: Topical product (cream applied over the affected joint) Research: This is another unique ingredient that is worth mentioning. It is brand new and has received FDA approval for the treatment of pain and inflammation associated with degenerative joint disease in horses. Aside from research performed by the company that manufactures the product, outside clinical research has not been published regarding its effectiveness. There have been quite a few horse owners who claim it works well and meets label claims. It can be obtained by prescription only, but it might be a less expensive alternative to other products, assuming your veterinarian has determined that it is an appropriate treatment.
It is always a good idea to have your horse examined by a reputable equine veterinarian to determine lameness score and the nature of the injury or chronic disease causing the pain. The use of oral or injectable NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as phenylbutazone or ketoprofin may be used short-term to reduce and initially control inflammation in joints. Long-term usage of NSAIDs is not recommended due to potential toxic effects such as stomach ulcers. A veterinarian’s expert opinion should be sought before administering any sort of treatment and compliance with drug use regulations for any type of competition should be maintained if applicable. In any case, care should be taken not to inappropriately or prematurely return a horse to training and/or competition performance levels even if response to treatment is quick and effective at reducing lameness.
This answer was prepared with the help of Emily Lamprecht, Rutgers University, Doctoral Graduate Student in Animal Science.
What type and amount of joint supplements are the best?
I have some questions regarding joint supplements and their ingredients:
2. Unfortunately, most joint supplements or nutraceuticals out there are not FDA regulated and do not meet AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials) labeling standards. The products often fall short of the claims made on labels and in advertisements, making them a waste of money. Additionally, the effects of ingredients like MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) and antioxidants (vitamin C) can be achieved simply by maintaining your horse on a nutritionally balanced diet without added supplements.
The dosage will depend on the product chosen. However, one particularly popular product recommends that after the initial treatment, the maintenance dosage for an average horse is one to two scoops daily according to the horse’s weight. Each level scoopful (3.3g) contains 1800mg GC HCl, 600mg sodium chondroitin sulfate, and 16mg manganese ascorbate (vitamin C). Treatment and dosage depends on the nature (type) of injury or disease, how advanced it is, and the intended or current use of the horse, not the horse’s age. Unless the horse has special dietary or medical needs, follow label instructions and always seek the expert opinion of your veterinarian before administering any type of drug, nutraceutical, or supplement.
3.Yucca is incorporated into many joint supplements because it is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties. However, there are no clinical research studies on the properties of yucca and its effect(s), or lack thereof, on joint inflammation in horses or if it contributes to gastric upset in horses. Due to a general lack of sound clinical research on its efficacy, I wouldn’t recommend its use.
It is always a good idea to have your horse examined by a reputable equine veterinarian to determine the nature of the injury or chronic disease causing the pain. The use of oral or injectable NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as phenylbutazone or ketoprofin may be used short-term to reduce and initially control inflammation in joints. Long-term usage of NSAIDs is not recommended due to potential toxic effects such as stomach ulcers. A veterinarian’s expert opinion should be sought before administering any sort of treatment and compliance with drug use regulations for any type of competition should be maintained if applicable. In any case, care should be taken not to inappropriately or prematurely return a horse to training and/or competition performance levels even if response to treatment is quick and effective at reducing lameness.
This answer was prepared with the help of Emily Lamprecht, Rutgers University, Doctoral Graduate Student in Animal Science.
Can you recommend any supplements for ponies?
In terms of the tying-up I would make sure that the beet pulp you are feeding has no molasses in it. Horses that suffer from tying up need as few sugars in the diet as possible. If horses need extra energy it should be provided as fat instead of carbohydrates. In this situation I would also recommend a vitamin E supplement without selenium. This vitamin is found in very low levels in most grass hay and if she is not on grass at all it might be part of the tying up problem. You can feed up to about 2,500 IU/day for a pony. Horses can get about 5,000 IU/day. Read the supplement label to see how many IU are in an ounce or scoop. Make sure it is a pure E supplement and doesn't have loads of other products in it (especially selenium).
As for the electrolytes, they are only needed when she is sweating profusely, for example, after intense exercise or on a day with 100-degree temperatures. Daily supplementation of electrolytes is of no benefit and may throw off the natural electrolyte balance. The joint supplement could be helpful if she is suffering from a joint problem, however, not all horses will respond the same way. These supplements are not used as a preventative measure for future joint problems.
My final recommendation is this: back down on the electrolytes and check your joint supplement to see if it is necessary. If so, give only a pure supplement (only glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, or MSM; it may have some magnesium or vitamin C) along with a multivitamin formulated for horses/ponies. Check the vitamin E content of this supplement as well. Most don't have more than 100 IU/scoop, so I would still recommend the straight E supplement. However, if all your supplements have additional or superfluous ingredients, you may be overdoing vitamins and minerals unnecessarily and I would not give the multivitamin.
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
What nutrients are best for strengthening hooves?
Each of these ingredients has been studied as to its most effective dose. It is advisable to look at supplement labels when purchasing hoof supplements because many supplements do not contain the appropriate amounts. Biotin should at 20 mg/day, iodine should be 1 mg/day and zinc should be between 175 and 250 mg/day. Amounts for methionine are unknown in terms of hoof health. Just be careful if you are already adding supplements to the diet that contain these products. Excessive iodine and methionine could cause more problems than going without the supplement altogether. You should choose a supplement that is most important to your horse if you have more than one with these ingredients.
Another caution with feeding hoof supplements is that while they are proven to help horses with problem hooves, they have never been shown to improve hooves that are not in need of extra help. Also these supplements take a long time to show any benefits. Hooves grow from the coronet band down, which takes about 1 year to grow from the top until it is trimmed off at the bottom. So give these supplements at least six months to see if they are making an impact on the quality on the hoof as it grows. Some studies have also shown that horses on a good balanced diet are getting just as many benefits as with an added hoof supplement, but that will depend on the horse and the hoof problem. Higher fat diets have also been shown to help with hoof condition as well (if at least 10% fat).
As for any topical solution for hoof strength, any farrier you ask will tell you something different, but the one that most will usually tell you works is venice turpentine. Venice turpentine is a viscous resin from the European Larch, a pine tree. It is used for lithographic work, as a sealing wax, and in varnishes. Horsemen have used it for years as a salve for cuts and as a hoof dressing. The stuff is very sticky, and messy, and applied to the bottom of the hoof, but for horses with thin soles or helping hooves strengthen after an abscess, this seems to work. Many hoof hardener products will include this in their list of ingredients. In most instances an iodine solution will also work if you coat the bottom of the hoof. A lot of the hoof conditioners out there will just put a shinny coat on the hoof and are not really doing much good otherwise. You can apply both of these products as necessary, but usually weekly works unless the conditions are very wet where he is stabled, than daily might be more appropriate.
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
What does sulfur and copper supplementation do for a
horse? Are there toxic effects?
The current National Research Council (NRC) equine copper requirement is 10 parts per million (ppm) for horses of all ages, although that requirement is raised slightly for growing or pregnant horses. This being said, horses can tolerate a dose of up to 800 ppm without adverse effects, but above this amount could be unsafe. The greatest concern with horses is not copper toxicity, but rather copper deficiency. Copper deficiencies can be seen clearly in the wool of sheep, although in horses the deficiency is not so easily visualized. Some signs of equine copper deficiency include a loss of black pigment in the hair, causing a brown “spectacled” appearance of the hair around the eyes, and a coarse hair quality. A horse with a copper deficiency has a tendency to arterially rupture and develop chronic anemia. In addition, copper deficiency in the horse results in bone abnormalities. The cartilage matrix fails to mineralize properly, so the cortex of long bones will be thin, leaving them more likely to be brittle and easily breakable.
Inorganic sulfur (in forms such as a yellow powder) has not been shown to be essential, although organic sulfur (in forms such as sulfur-containing amino acids found in organic protein sources) is necessary to the equine diet. It is necessary for synthesizing cartilage and other organic components in the body, as well as being an essential component in blood clotting. Equine sulfur requirements have not been established, but the NRC states that .15% of the diet is adequate. Sulfur toxicity is not a major concern in horses. Excesses of all amino acids cause anorexia and growth depression, but this is not necessarily a concern relating to organic sulfur in particular. Elemental sulfur is actually viewed as one of the least toxic elements.
Sulfur is usually available in the horse’s forage, however if this is not the case there may be a need for a very small amount of sulfur supplementation in the diet. This should occur in the form of an organic source to ensure that the sulfur is absorbed and utilized most effectively. Interestingly, sulfur combined with molybdenum can interfere with copper absorption, causing either copper toxicity or deficiency. A horse that has a high intake of sulfur from any source is at a risk of a copper deficiency. If the sulfur amounts in the diet are below 2200 parts per million (ppm) toxicity will not be a concern.
This answer was prepared with the help of Diana Malyshko, Animal Science Research Student at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Rutgers University.
My horse is on a high Vitamin E supplement and has high
blood levels of E; is
My horse is a 15-year-old Quarter Horse gelding that is used for English riding and light jumping. About a year ago he had muscle soreness, stiffness, poor performance under saddle, and difficulty with his hind legs while being shod. He was looked at by a vet using Nuclear Scintigraphy, with no significant findings. He has also tested negative for Lyme disease on multiple occasions.
We recently tested him for levels of vitamins E, A and Selenium. The results showed an elevated E level, a low A level, and a selenium level within normal range.
We made some adjustments to his saddle and initiated a high fat diet with a high vitamin E supplement. The horse is currently doing extremely well, looks very good clinically, and has substantially improved with his hind legs. However, we are concerned regarding the high E level. Should we specifically supplement this horse with vitamin A?
It all depends on what level of E you are giving. I usually recommend that horses with muscle problems be given a 5000 IU/day supplement of E. (Watch that selenium is not increased this much as well.) Studies have shown that groups of horses given vitamin E supplements of 10,000 IU/d had decreased beta-carotene levels compared to groups of horses given a lower (5000 IU/d) dose and control groups (not given a supplement). The levels of beta-carotene were not shown to be deficient (as no deficiency level has been determined), but they could eventually affect vitamin A levels.
I would try to see if your horse could go with 5000 IU/d and still maintain his soundness without muscle problems. If your horse needs 10,000 IU/d of vitamin E, I recommend making sure he consumes good quality pasture or gets a beta-carotene or vitamin A supplement.
I would also consider asking your vet to take a muscle biopsy and test for Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy (PSSM). It sounds like he might have a mild case since he responded so well to the high fat and high E supplementation.
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Can a horse get enough vitamins from an apple or carrot a day?
Do you feel that feeding a horse a carrot or apple a day will provide it with enough vitamins?
A general multi-vitamin and mineral supplement for horses or plenty of fresh pasture grass would be better than a daily carrot or apple. The reason for this is because the concentration of vitamins and minerals that horses need in their diet is much greater than what can be provided in 1 carrot or apple per day. Plus, these natural sources are not balanced for a horse where most commercial companies specifically formulate their products for the needs of a horse. With this being said, if a horse is on good quality forage (i.e. hay or pasture) there is typically not a need for other supplements as they get most of what they need from green leafy forages. That is their source of vegetables!
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
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