Revised: 09/15/2008 |
Poisonous Plants
What is alsike clover, and is it toxic to horses?
Alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum) is found most frequently in
Canada, but has been included in some commonly used pasture mixes in the
US. This plant is adapted to cool climates and heavy, poorly drained clay
It grows 15-30 inches tall, and has a small ½-inch diameter pink flower that forms at the ends of secondary branches from the main stem. It should be differentiated from red clover, which has a larger flower, hairy stems and leaves and a white inverted "V" on the leaf. Alsike clover is known to cause two syndromes, photosensitization (short-term exposure) and "big liver syndrome" (long-term exposure). There is also a potential for nitrate poisoning. The more common and acute lesions related to photosensitization are characterized by:
Possible symptoms of nervous and digestive disorders, including colic and diarrhea and oral lesions related to alsike clover poisoning may also be observed.
The long-term consequence of alsike clover consumption is "big liver syndrome," appearing as a progressive destruction of the liver with increased connective tissue (appears as an enlarged liver). It appears that this is related to the accumulation of a still-unknown toxin. The primary tests for evaluating liver function and hepatic disease measure the serum enzyme activity of aspartate amino transferase (AST), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH) and lactic dehydrogenase - 5 (LDH-5). Liver biopsy may be required to characterize the degree and type of liver damage and provide a prognosis.
Alsike clover poisoning does not appear to occur every time it is consumed. It is thought that the toxicity may be caused by a mycotoxin which is either created by a fungus growing on the plant, or created/accumulated by the plant under stressful growing conditions. However, horse owners should still take the following precautions:
For more information, see Fact Sheet #062, "Odd Things Horses Eat".
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension.
Which plants should I avoid planting near a bioretention basin?
We have several native plants that we are planning on using for a bioretention basin on the farm. Could you please let me know if any of these are poisonous to horses?
Nothing on the list is on the major "hit list” of toxic plants - but the following plants on your list have the potential to be toxic to livestock:
None of the other plants have been reported to be toxic. The aster family contains very safe plants. Dogwoods and willows are safe
Answer provided by Donna Foulk, former Senior Agriculture Program Coordinator, Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
We found some dried Bull's Nettle in our hay.
Should we be concerned?
Solanum carolinese (Bull or Horse Nettle), also known as a form of nightshade, carries a very toxic substance composed of glycoalkaloids. Due to its composition, horse nettle’s glycoalkaloids can cause GI irritation, since they are so poorly absorbed by the GI tract. Even though the plant does lose some of its toxic characteristics when dried out, the toxins are still present within the plant. Therefore, the plant poses a very dangerous stance to horses ingesting them within their food source. Horses usually steer clear of this dangerous plant, but if the hay source has been highly processed, it becomes more difficult for the horse to sort out the plant from the hay source itself. Also, since the given situation mentions that the berries are still present on the plant sample found, that fact alone makes the plant seem even more toxic, and therefore more dangerous for the horse. Researchers say, “green berries are more toxic than red or black berries, which are more toxic than leaves, which are more toxic than stems or roots” (http://www.aun.edu.eg/distance/pharmacy/poison/black_nightshade.htm). Therefore, the toxicity can range from high to semi-low depending on the ripeness of the berries on the plant. The toxicity of a given species can vary widely due to environmental conditions, part of the plant or degree of maturity. Some reports conclude that one to ten pounds of ingested plant material were deadly for horses.
Some symptoms one should be on the look out for are dilation of pupils, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and loss of muscular coordination. The plant basically affects the central nervous system and the GI tract, because of its glycoalkaloidic composition. Some other signs that may warn you that your horse has been potentially poisoned by Horse Nettle are if the horse enters a sudden state of depression, appears to be affected by apparent hallucinations, and if the horse goes into convulsions. If the animal had been consistently ingesting the contaminated hay, their apparent symptoms of ingestion would be depression, diarrhea, and/or constipation. In order to keep your horse safe, check your hay supply frequently for potentially dangerous plants. Horses naturally avoid these plants when grazing, so it should not have to be removed from grazing areas.
Answer prepared by Stephanie Cruz, Animal Science Research Student at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Rutgers University.
How do I get rid of buttercups?
Buttercups seem to be taking over my pasture this year. How do I get rid of them?
There are many species of buttercups found in New Jersey. Some species prefer wet conditions, other survive in dry pastures. Buttercups are perennial plants that over-winter as corms and reproduce by seed. They are very common in the state and are found in virtually all pasture situations. They thrive in low fertility soils and in overgrazed pastures.
Buttercups can be toxic to livestock, but are extremely unpalatable. Animals that are healthy, well-fed, and have access to plenty of pasture or hay rarely consume buttercups or other toxic plants. The fresh leaves and flowers of all buttercup species are toxic when consumed fresh, but the plants lose their toxic properties when dried in hay. If the plant is consumed, horses will exhibit signs of severe gastritis, marked by increased salivation, decreased appetite, colic and diarrhea. In severe cases, poisoning may lead to convulsions and death.
The best defense against buttercups, and all weeds for that matter, is to maintain a healthy stand of forage grasses. Cool season grasses such as bluegrass, perennial rye, orchardgrass, brome and timothy grow rapidly in spring. Fertilizing grasses and rotating pastures to encourage the grasses to remain thick and healthy allows them to out-compete weeds by preventing bare spots and shading the ground. Thick pasture grasses allow little room for the establishment of weed seedlings. Frequent mowing will also reduce buttercup seed production.
Since buttercups are perennials, once they are heavily established in a pasture, it may be necessary to use an herbicide to remove them. It may take several herbicide applications to reduce the population of buttercups. You may want to contact a local crop production service representative or hire a commercial applicator to apply herbicides. Turf type "weed and feed" products are not labeled for use on pastures.
Fortunately, Ally/Cimarron is a very safe and effective herbicide for controlling buttercups. Ally is a liquid, soil-applied herbicide that moves into the plant through the root system. Ally can be applied in spring or early summer at the rate of .1 to .3 oz per acre. There is no grazing restriction for Ally and horses can be returned to the pastures immediately. It is also possible to tank-mix Ally with liquid fertilizers in spring. Ally should only be applied to grasses that have been established for at least 6 months. For timothy, at least 12 months is desirable and tall fescue should be established for at least 24 months. Ally is very persistent in the soil, therefore crop rotation guidelines must be adhered to. Ally should not be used if you plan to overseed the pastures, since the herbicide will remove new grass seedlings as well as the weeds.
A combination of 2,4-D and Banvel can also be used to reduce buttercup populations. These products are also applied as a liquid but translocate through the plant to the roots. The best time to kill buttercups with this herbicide combination is in spring, before flowering, or in late summer, when the plants are moving food from the leaves to the roots. Grasses should be well established before applying 2,4-D/Banvel, but pastures can generally be overseeded 4-6 weeks after an application of these products. There is a seven day grazing restriction for certain formulations of 2,4-D and different manufacturer's products may have various grazing restrictions. Always carefully read the label before using any pesticide.
Remember that Ally and 2,4-D/Banvel are broadleaf herbicides that will also eliminate existing clover plants in pastures.
For assistance in identifying and controlling weeds in pastures, contact your local Cooperative Extension Office. Use pesticides only when necessary at the correct rate and time. Read the complete label and follow all precautions listed. Where trade names appear, no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is implied.
Answer provided by Donna Foulk, former Senior Agriculture Program Coordinator, Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Which cherry tree species are toxic? How long do their leaves stay toxic? We have a grass area in which I would like to graze a colt, but it has two cherry trees in it. I am having the trees removed, but there are still some old leaves from last Fall in the grass, and it would be nearly impossible to remove all of them. Since these leaves are from last Fall, has enough time passed to render them harmless? There is also a lot of bark that came off the trees when we removed them; is this part toxic? If so, what are the species of cherry trees that are toxic to horses?
All species of cherry trees are toxic to horses. The seeds, leaves, and bark are the most toxic parts of the plant; fruits are the only relatively safe part. As for the leaves, usually the toxicity is worst when they are in the stressed state prior to dying or are wilted (e.g. leaves on a fallen tree limb lying in a pasture). This is the point when the leaves are not only toxic but very tasty because they have stored a lot of sugar and are sweet and palatable.
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Equine Extension Specialist, Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Are chestnuts poisonous to horses?
Are chestnuts poisonous to horses?
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Is Hemlock poisonous to horses?
What kinds of Hemlock are poisonous to horses? What are the symptoms of Hemlock poisoning, and how can it be treated?
Poison hemlock and water hemlock look similar and are typically mistaken for one another. Water hemlock leaks a yellow, foul-smelling liquid when cut. The poisoning symptoms of the two plants are also similar, but treatment for each tends to be different. Therefore, in cases of suspected poisoning, it is important to properly identify the plant. Hemlock poisoning presents many symptoms, including nervousness, salivation, frequent urination and sometimes birth defects. Symptoms of poison hemlock poisoning progress in a predictable order. Within two hours after ingesting the plant, the affected animal first becomes nervous, then uncoordinated, and finally starts to tremble. Following this excitatory stage there is a depressed state in which the respiratory and heart rates fall, causing the extremities to become cold. The animal’s entire metabolism then starts to slow down, making colic or bloating possible. The animal can remain in this state for several hours or even days and then recover. Large doses of the plant may cause paralysis.
A lethal dose of poison hemlock is four to five pounds of leaves. In fatal poisoning cases, the animal will die five to ten hours after the first symptoms are seen. Death is usually caused by respiratory failure; the mucous membranes will be cyanotic (blue) due to a lack of oxygen.
The toxicity of poison hemlock lies in its alkaloid content. Alkaloids in hemlock plants block the reflexive movements of the spinal cord.
There is no treatment for hemlock poisoning, but a veterinarian should be called immediately if you suspect that an animal ingested either hemlock. The veterinarian will provide supportive care to treat the symptoms that present. In order for the horse to recover, the toxin has to be eliminated from the gastrointestinal tract.
The best way to deal with hemlock poisoning is to prevent it. This can be done by mowing down the plants or pulling them up by the roots. Hemlock is hardy, so it may be difficult to eliminate. If herbicides (like 2,4-D) are used, the animals will have to be removed from the treated area until the herbicide is washed away and the plant removed because treated plants may be more palatable.
Indiana Plants Poisonous to Livestock and Pets: http://vet.purdue.edu/depts/addl/toxic/by_alpha.htm Answer provided with the help of Christine Garnier, Rutgers University, Equine Research Student.
Are holly trees poisonous to horses?
Are Holly trees (berries, leaves, stems, etc.) poisonous to horses?
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
How do I get rid of Horse Nettle?
How do you get rid of horse nettle in a hay field?
Answer provided by Bill Bamka, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Burlington County Associate Professor/County Agriculture Agent, Field and Forage Crops.
Is there a test for Horse Nettle poisoning?
I found out that my horse has been eating Horse Nettle. Over the past month he has been sweating unexplainably, tensing his abdominal and moving slower. Can any tests be done to find out if he is suffering from this toxic plant?
Virtually all horse pastures contain some toxic plants or shrubs. The toxins in the plants serve to deter browsing and have a bitter or acrid taste to prevent the horses from consuming the plant. Healthy horses that have access to adequate forage in pasture or as supplemental hay rarely consume toxic plants. The prickly surface of the leaves and stem of horse nettle further serves to discourage animals from consuming this plant. It would be important to actually see your horse eating the plant or discover significant evidence of browsing before assuming that your horse has been eating horse nettle.
If you see your horse consuming horse nettle in pasture, remove your horse from the pasture. Mowing can be used to reduce the spread of horse nettle, but since it is a perennial weed, mowing will probably not eliminate the plant. Herbicides can be used to remove the toxic plant but need to be used when the plant is actively growing. The best time to control horse nettle in the northeast is when it is flowering or in late summer.
Horse nettle contains a steroidal alkaloid called solanine that blocks the action of cholinesterase on the central nervous system. Symptoms of poisoning include decreased salivation and intestinal motility, which can lead to colic, constipation and bloody diarrhea. Animals also sometimes exhibit signs of trembling and paralysis. Some veterinary and teaching hospitals are capable of screening blood for the presence of a specific toxin, in this case solanine. This will confirm your suspicion that your horse is consuming the plant.
Answer provided by Donna Foulk, former Senior Agriculture Program Coordinator, Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Is it okay to plant Juniper near my riding arena?
We want to plant some type of slow-growing plants on a bank outside of a newly made riding arena. I'm afraid to plant something that could possibly be toxic. I would like to plant a running juniper, which would take over the bank but not be a problem to manage. I have had mulch placed there but I need a stabilizer to keep the mulch from washing down into the arena. What do you suggest?
Junipers are indicated as toxic in many plant references. Therefore, I would tend to err on the side of caution and avoid planting any juniper species near a paddock or arena.
Depending on the slope length and gradient of your bank, you might consider terracing or geotextiles in combination with grass plantings for stabilization. I suggest you contact your local USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office or the local soil conservation district and seek their advice for steep slope planting. The NRCS staff has specialists that deal with erosion and sediment control.
Answer provided by Bill Bamka, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Burlington County Associate Professor/County Agriculture Agent, Field and Forage Crops.
Are mulberries toxic to horses?
I am looking to find information on adverse effects, if any, that mulberries might have on horses. My 4-year-old gelding is eating those that have fallen from the trees and I am concerned.
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Are oak leaves, acorns, and bark toxic to horses?
I have mature oak trees on my property. My horses are exposed to the leaves that fall into their pens and the arena. There is one tree that is close enough to the arena that they could eat the bark if they wanted to. Are oak leaves, acorns, and bark toxic to horses?
Oak is most dangerous early in the spring when the leaves and buds are the highest in toxicity and there is little else to eat. Autumn is another at-risk period, when acorns and leaves fall and better forage dies. Therefore, management plays a key role in preventing oak toxicosis. The toxin in oak is also present when dry, so feeds that contain oak are not safe. The toxins in oak are called gallotoxins. They are converted in the body to tannic acid, gallic acid and pyrogallol, all of which are very toxic to the kidney. Typically, a significant amount of oak needs to be consumed over a period of time before clinical signs appear. It is the resulting kidney failure that causes the clinical signs. Signs can develop over 2 to 14 days, or signs may be present with the animals becoming progressively worse over many weeks. The number of animals affected in the herd can vary greatly, but of those showing clinical signs, up to 80% may die. Signs of oak poisoning can include depression, lack of appetite, emaciated appearance, poor or rough hair coat, dependent edema (fluid buildup under the skin under the neck, abdomen or on the legs), digestive disturbances (both diarrhea and constipation have been reported, with mucus covered or tarry stools), increased drinking, passage of copious amounts of urine which may contain blood, and death. For additional information on toxic plants, download the fact sheet “Poisonous Weeds in Horse Pastures”.
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension.
What are some plants I can plant around my paddocks?
Do you have any suggestions as to what types of trees or plants horses will not eat? I want to plant a privacy screen around the outside of a fence surrounding my horses’ paddocks.
Although we consider horses to be grazing animals, there is growing evidence that indicates that horses may have evolved to be browsers. They are grazers because we confine them to pastures that are planted in grasses and they do not have access to anything else. Left on their own, horses would primarily eat grasses, but would also browse on herbaceous weeds, trees, vines, and shrubs. Therefore a general rule of thumb is that if a plant is not toxic and horses have access to it, there is a high probability that they will browse on it. Trees, shrubs, and ornamental plantings should be planted outside of the pastures and set back far enough that future plant growth will not provide horses with opportunities to consume or nibble on the plants.
Bright colors are often associated with toxic plants and serve to warn animals about a plant’s toxic status. Many brightly colored ornamentals, such as foxglove, wisteria, lilies, daffodils, rhododendron, etc. are highly toxic to animals. Therefore it is not a good idea to plant ornamental plants within reach of livestock.
If you wish to plant trees to supply shade, plant the trees outside of the pasture and set them back far enough that the animals cannot browse on them as they grow. Horse will strip bark off of the trees if they are placed in the pasture and may girdle the tree and kill it. If you must plant the trees in the pasture, construct a fence around the trees to prevent access to them.
Native red maples (and ornamental red maple cultivars) are highly toxic to horses. Although sugar, silver and Norway maples contain some of the toxin that is found in red maple, the concentration is so low that they are not considered to be toxic to horses. Maples grow fairly rapidly and are attractive shade trees.
Many other trees are acceptable as perimeter plantings. Other trees to avoid due to their toxic properties include black locust, horse chestnut, oaks, and cherry.
Answer provided by Donna Foulk, former Senior Agriculture Program Coordinator, Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Are Red Maple trees poisonous to horses?
I know that Red Maple leaves are poisonous to horses, however, how much does it take to cause a problem? I have seen leaves in my pasture that resemble Red Maple, and asked my vet who told me they weren't. However, I looked up a photo of the leaves and that is exactly what I have in my pasture. I am terrified now to turn my horses out, as it is autumn and the leaves are everywhere! Can you please tell me how many leaves they have to consume to be toxic? I have a feeling they have already eaten some of them, as I have had to stop them from eating acorns this year as well.
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Are tomatoes poisonous to donkeys and horses?
Can you tell me if tomato plants pose any hazard to donkeys? There is a wire mesh fence between my garden and my donkey pasture, but as you know, donkeys regard any barrier as a challenge to try whatever is on the other side.
Answer prepared by Stephanie Cruz, Animal Science Research Student at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Rutgers University.
How can I make sure there are no toxic plants on my farm?
Can you please tell me how I can get a complete list, preferably with pictures, of plants that are toxic to horses? I want to put a barn with pastures on my property and want to make sure my property doesn't harbor any plants toxic to the horses.
The horse, as a species, has survived with toxic plants in its environment for a long time. Plants do not contain toxins in order to kill grazing animals. They are poisonous so that the animal will be exposed to the toxin, remember that the plant is not good to eat, and avoid it the next time. Toxins in plants generally taste bitter and sometimes have an offensive odor that causes animals to avoid browsing on them. Healthy animals that are well fed and have forage (hay and/or pasture) available to them rarely consume toxic plants. The most common reason for livestock poisoning is undernourishment. In early spring, late fall, or during periods of extended dry weather, animals may eat plants that they would not normally consume if other forage were available. Occasionally, individual animals may eat poisonous plants accidentally or when craving variation or special nutrients in their diet.
Below are several tips to assist you in reducing the risk of plant poisonings in horses.
Answer provided by Donna Foulk, former Senior Agriculture Program Coordinator, Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Which trees are toxic to horses?
Oaks are moderately toxic to horses. New young leaves and acorns, especially when green, are the toxic parts of the tree. The tannic acid in the acorns affects the intestinal lining and can cause portions of the lining to slough off. Symptoms of toxicity include poor appetite, weight loss, constipation and impaction followed by diarrhea, kidney failure and edema. In severe cases oak poisoning can lead to death.
It would be wise to remove all the trees from the pasture. Allow some trees to grow around the perimeter of the pasture for shade. Horses will usually girdle trees that they have access to, which will eventually kill them anyway. Also, no pasture grasses will grow well in the shade created by the canopies of the trees.
Other trees that you need to be concerned with include cherries of all species, red maple, horse chestnut, black walnut, and black locust.
Fortunately, plants with harmful toxins are designed to prevent animals from browsing and have a bitter taste that animals learn to avoid. Well-fed, healthy horses that have access to adequate forage, through pasture and/or hay, rarely consume toxic plants.
Answer provided by Donna Foulk, former Senior Agriculture Program Coordinator, Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Is Star of Bethlehem toxic? How do I get rid of it?
Ornithogalum umbellatum has found its way into our horse pasture. Is it toxic? How do I get rid of it?
I have never seen this plant occur to any great degree in pastures in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Since it has been known to spread into lawns in this area, I would believe that it could be found occasionally in pastures. There are varying reports regarding toxicity of this plant. Although the plant itself contains alkaloids, there are reports of animals grazing on the plant without adverse effects. The small, white, onion-like bulb is toxic and sheep and cattle have died from eating the bulb. Symptoms of toxicity include salivation, depression, and gastrointestinal upset. It is believed that the toxic agent is a type of cardiac glycoside, which causes heart and digestive disturbances. The good news is that horses that are healthy and well fed rarely consume toxic plants, since the toxins have a bitter taste to discourage animals from browsing.
Star of Bethlehem is a cool season plant. It blooms very early in the spring and the leaves and blooms very quickly turn brown. Like other bulb plants (daffodils, tulips,etc.) the plants green -up and grow quickly in spring, send food reserves to the bulbs and then turn brown and die back. The only time to control the plant with an herbicide is when it is actively growing in early spring. Dr. Mark Van Gessel, weed specialist at the University of Delaware, suggests using fairly high rates of 2,4-D (1 quart per acre) where the plant is present in your pastures. In New Jersey and PA, you would need to apply the herbicide in early spring, since it will not translocate to the roots and bulb of the plant if the plant is dormant. Remember that 2, 4-D will also remove many other broadleaves from your pastures, including clovers. Before using pesticides, always read the label. Use pesticides only at the recommended time and rates. Be sure that the herbicide that you use is labeled for pasture use and adhere to any grazing restrictions. You may wish to contact a Crop Production Service to apply herbicides and fertilizers for you.
Answer provided by Donna Foulk, former Senior Agriculture Program Coordinator, Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
Is Wax Leaf Ligustrum poisonous to horses?
Is Wax Leaf Ligustrum poisonous to horses? What are the symptoms of poisoning?
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension.
Are Wisteria plants poisonous to horses?
My husband was clearing out a Wisteria plant, and he didn't think about the potential consequences of throwing the cut remains of the plants over the fence and into an area where our four horses could get to them. Now 3 of the 4 horses are acting funny, i.e. not wanting to eat. I am very worried about them. Could you tell me if Wisteria is poisonous to horses, and if so, what can I do about it?
Answer provided by Carey Williams, Ph.D., Rutgers Cooperative Extension.
The material provided on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat any illness. Any recommendations are not intended to replace the advice of your veterinarian. Any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Mention or display of a trademark, proprietary product, or firm in text or figures does not constitute an endorsement by the Equine Science Center or Rutgers University and does not imply approval to the exclusion of other suitable products or firms. |